Network Exchange: with Louisa Mfum-Mensah & Thembi Maiden

In this episode

In this episode, host Lee Stabert chats with Louisa Mfum-Mensah and Thembi Maiden from  Urban Affairs Coalition about creating a healthy and authentic environment within an organization. A fiscal sponsor with 486 employees, UAC recently put a lot of effort into strengthening its workplace culture. After feeling the positive impact of these changes, the UAC team couldn’t keep it to themselves: They used the 2023 National Gathering in New Orleans as an occasion to share best practices and keep the learning process going.

This podcast was produced by the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors. If you enjoyed this episode and would like to hear more, please reach out to NNFS and let us know. 

Louisa Mfum-Mensah

With over 10 years of experience in project management and nonprofit management, Louisa spearheads service improvement initiatives based on industry best practices and data insights. A seasoned leader, she's been pivotal in managing over $6 million in grant funds for Philadelphia nonprofits.

  • Louisa, the Vice President of Partner Experience at Urban Affairs Coalition (UAC), provides strategic and tactical direction for the UAC Partner Experience team and leads our service improvement efforts based on industry best practices and data-driven perspectives. Louisa Mfum-Mensah has been a member of the UAC family since 2012. She first joined the UAC family as the Director of Program and Partnerships for Global Citizen. After some time as the Grants Director for Boys’ Latin Charter School and the Special Aide and Liaison for Mayor Jim Kenney, Louisa returned to UAC first as the Director of Executive Operations and now as the Vice President of Partner Experience. Louisa brings to the organization over 10 years of experience in project management and strategic planning. She has an extensive background in nonprofit management and corporate relations. She’s managed over 6 million dollars in grant funds in support of several nonprofits in Philadelphia.

Thembi Maiden

Thembi Maiden brings over a decade of HR expertise. Joining in 2019, she revamped culture, enhanced rewards, and devised policies. Her prowess spans total rewards, labor relations, recruitment, and more, shaping a robust HR landscape at Urban Affairs Coalition.

  • Thembi Maiden is the Director of Talent Operations for the Urban Affairs Coalition (UAC) in Philadelphia, PA. Thembi joined UAC in April of 2019 as Sr. HR Generalist where she has helped to transform the culture, improve total rewards and create new policies and processes. Prior to her role with UAC, Thembi was HR Generalist for Tasty Baking Company (Tastykake). Thembi has more than 10 years of experience in human resources handling complex issues related to total rewards, employee and labor relations, payroll, recruitment, conflict resolution, employee engagement, workers’ compensation and FMLA. Thembi is a Senior Certified Professional with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).


About the Network Exchange

Demystify the world of fiscal sponsorship with ‘Network Exchange: Insights from the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors’. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, new to the field, or just curious about the work, ‘Network Exchange” is your go-to source for illuminating insights, best practices, and the latest trends in the dynamic realm of fiscal sponsorship. This thought-provoking podcast series serves as your portal to a wealth of knowledge and expertise that unravel the complexities of fiscal sponsorship through insightful conversations with leaders in the fiscal sponsorship field.


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