Member Benefits
You can join NNFS as an Organization or Individual Member. All memberships recur annually.
Organization Members are nonprofit fiscal sponsor organizations who want to build their fiscal sponsorship capacity, learn about best practices with other fiscal sponsors, and substantially follow the guidelines of the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors. You and your co-workers at your organization can log in to the NNFS website and Slack workgroup. Cost: $250
Individual Members are board members, staff, or volunteers who are part of a fiscal sponsorship organization that is not an NNFS organization member, and whose work will be improved by participating in knowledge-sharing and field-building. Cost: $100
Coming soon: Updates and options for our colleagues in for-profit organizations, such as consultants, attorneys, accountants, and insurers.
With an Organizational Membership, you and your colleagues can join the NNFS Slack workgroup for group and direct messaging with other members - discuss practice questions, join affinity groups, and get in touch with each other anytime! Organize meetups online or in-person, share ideas, and discuss developments in regulations and much more.
Member Directory
List the information for your organization and fiscal sponsorship program in our public Member Directory, where you can always log in to update your information as needed. Projects looking for sponsorship, funders, and other fiscal sponsors will be able to see the information you want to show for your organization, contact your program, and make referrals to you.
Discounts and Early Registration
Get announcements and early-bird registration discounts for our national gathering and other events.