Network Exchange: with Sabrina Romero of Global Impact
In this episode
In this episode, host Lee Stabert speaks with Sabrina Romero of Global Impact. Her organization recently completed a survey of its fiscal sponsorship clients. Their takeaways from that survey will inform their work going forward, but maybe the act of asking the questions had its own impact.
This podcast was produced by the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors. If you enjoyed this episode and would like to hear more, please reach out to NNFS and let us know.
Sabrina Romero
Sabrina takes her 15 years in the outsourcing field experience and lends her expertise to nonprofits from educational to advocacy organizations.
Sabrina Romero has over 20 years of experience working with nonprofits ranging from educational to advocacy organizations. She also has over 15 years of experience in the outsourcing field, working with private sector, international, government contracting, pharmaceutical, and membership organization clients. She also serves in a leadership role on the board of Global Impact Canada and Global Impact Social Welfare Foundation. Sabrina received her undergraduate degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and is a Certified Public Accountant.
About the Network Exchange
Demystify the world of fiscal sponsorship with ‘Network Exchange: Insights from the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors’. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, new to the field, or just curious about the work, ‘Network Exchange” is your go-to source for illuminating insights, best practices, and the latest trends in the dynamic realm of fiscal sponsorship. This thought-provoking podcast series serves as your portal to a wealth of knowledge and expertise that unravel the complexities of fiscal sponsorship through insightful conversations with leaders in the fiscal sponsorship field.